lauantai 23. maaliskuuta 2013


So yesterday was a tad hard and I wanted to give up! Thos morning I decided to step on that scale again and see what I've really lost because morning-weight is the one you should always go by. Also I weighd my self on the morning of day one. Well I can say that this day started better than I could have imagined! I've lost just over 6kilos! I'm so frickin happy!! That result will give me the strength to get through this day!:)

Day 5

I had countless weak moments! Oh my god! It was so hard to keep control! But I made it! With my friends cheering me on, I made it through the day, wohoo! The reason for the sucky day was that I made the mistake to step on a scale in the middle of the day after lunch!! I lost just under 4 kilos. I really don't know what I'm whining about because it's more than people lose in weeks! So maybe this is working after all!!:)
Hardest part of the day was going to the shop because Friday is my yummy food-day.. Seeing everyone buy pizzas and steaks and chocolate made me want to cry! So I did cheat a little bit.. My shopping was sad anyway! But I just had to have some oatmeel porridge.. So nothing unhealthy!