tiistai 8. tammikuuta 2013

Men vs. women

I was talking with my dad about somebody we know and he said that he is probably somewhere with some random girl since he did not answer his phone. I just replied that "oh so he is still like that.." and then he goes "well he is still young so he is allowed to do stuff like that, let him have fun". Ah hell no! I have nothing against the action. My concern is the double-standard. If I would have went on telling my dad that well I might live like that too or I might go around doing stuff like that also, you think he would have been like that? "Yeah but you are young! Have fun with different guys!".
HA! No.
He'd probably say how wrong it is for a girl to act like that and that maybe I should settle down.
I am not just saying that it would only be my dad who thinks like this, because in my case it is his job - I'll admit to that. But it's common for people to think that it's ok - and sometimes even cool - for a man to have one night stands or to have several women that he is "playing" at the same time. But god forbid if a woman tells you she woke up at some random guys apartment and then just left, or that she is texting with three men at the same time. You are going to smile but in your mind you are thinking "SLUT". Don't EVEN try to deny this. So many are guilty of doing this. Even I might have thought like it sometimes, but not anymore. Just because it's unfair that it's 2013 and this has not changed. I'm totally not saying that it is ok to act like it - man or woman, but just that it should be looked at in the same way despite of your sex.

perjantai 4. tammikuuta 2013

keskiviikko 2. tammikuuta 2013

New look

New year - new things right? I'm trying out a new look for the blog but I need your guys oppinion on the font, is it readable? Please share your thoughts!


So now the holiday-season is over. Nothing to look forward to in a while. No presents, festivities or forced stress. All that is behind us. For a while.
Few days before Christmas me and a fiew friends wanted to take a break from the stress, so we went on a cruise to Tallin Estonia. The idea was pretty much to eat and get drunk. Don't judge us, after all it was a cruise.
I got to see my favorite DJ's from when I was a teenager! Both K-System and Darude were there and I went all crazypants listening to their gigs! I even got a t-shirt from Darude himself! Now that was awesome! After the gig we met a group of guys that we then hung out with the whole night and morning. So needless to say that we did not sleep on this cruise either. I wanted to die to my hangover the next day. Couldn't eat or drink anything. I could barely breathe! So I made it clear to my self that I need to sleep whenever I go drinking! We met up with the guys later that day and made plans that we need to meet up another time! So we exchanged information  and went our own ways. All in all it was the best cruise I've been on!


K-system & Darude

Love him! :D

A foggy picture of the shirt he gave me

So then we have Christmas. Spent it with my family at mom's just like every Christmas for the past 10 years. The food was great as usual and we got loads of pressies from Santa! I thought I had been a bad girl last year but maybe Santa likes bad girls?
On Christmas day we had dinner and then as the tradition goes around here, we all get gathered together with our friends and get ready to go out to meet old friends who come to town for the holidays.
I'm guessing we had a blast since I remember only the half of it.

Us girls:)

So then we have one part left of the holidays and that is new years eve 2013. We celebrated it at my place(surprisingly). The girls were here, I prepared food and drinks..lot's of drinks. Originally we were planning to have a very low key chill NYE with food and wine and maybe some board-games. Thank god our plans changed because this NYE was the greatest one yet. I had arranged some company for us. The guys we met on the cruise came to my place for the eve! Everybody got along with them and we had a great party! We drank and had food and played board-games as originally planned, but this was much more fun! They brought with them one friend who none of us had met, since he wasn't on the cruise. Poor thing was probably so nervous he ended up drinking with a much faster pace than the rest of us so he had to stay behind and take a nap while the rest of us went out to the bar. When I came back with the rest of the guys, he woke up and joined us for food. The girls went home after we left the bar. The partying at my place continued to 10am until the last of us fell asleep.


2012 was spent with the greatest of friends and loving family. Ended and begun with both that and a few new ones! :) I think it's safe to say I started my year with a great big bang! Thanks to you all <3