torstai 1. maaliskuuta 2012

monday? whatday?

Okay I admit, I am ill. I've tried to fight it nof for days but it just keeps knocking me down. My big plans for today were to clean out my wardrobe.. get rid of old clothes and so on. Was also supposed to empty out a few cabinets so I can sell them before i get my new one. But here I am...on the sofa where I've been since 11 this morning. Maybe I need to admit that mom's are ALWAYS right. She told me to take it easy today and just rest. I did what you told me mom! happy now? :)
Thank god for the internet and tv-shows!
not really feeling this "life is all sunshine and butterflies"-crap today

Tried to get my self to cook but the one thing i can't do is to stand for a long time. I get nausea and I start to shake like a leaf. So how did I solve the problem of hunger in this house? I ordered in :)
tasted better than it looked like
By the way, the pictures from yesterday are nothing compared to this madness I call a backyard today. The snow came down from the roof (not on it's own though) and it resulted a tinsy problem... Can't open my door at all, nor see out from the window. No, I'm not kidding. See for yourself.
Have not been able to open the backdoor for 2 months, but this is bad :D