sunnuntai 29. huhtikuuta 2012

lauantai 28. huhtikuuta 2012

To do..

Enough about dreams, I have real stuff I need to attend to. Allready half-way through one task. I'm having a big get together for my friends on monday and I need to get through my to-do list before that! Can't write here what i'm doing because I told them I could keep it to my self until monday, so I'm trying really hard not to reveal anything :D the only thing I'm NOT doing for monday is clean! I know it's going to be easier for me to relax if I don't do it. Otherwise I will be a crumb-nazi, and nobody likes them :D
For all my foreighn readers; on monday whole Finland celebrates Vappu witch is one of the biggest carnival-style festival held in the streets and cities of Finland. The celebration that begins on the evening of 30th of April continues to the 1st of May. It is also spoken about as the celebration of the working class. But it's just one good reason to eat good food and get drunk on sparkling wine. But I promise you'll be hearing more of vappu on monday or tuesday - the day I am not looking forward to :P
Anyway, I need to go and continue wit all the stuff I need to have done by monday!
A glimpse of what I've already done

Dream a little dream

I had the best dream ever. It's gonna keep a smile on my face for a looooooong time :) <3
It's a bit sad though that those things could never happen, but thats the great thing with dreams, they can take you anywhere and for that short period of time you can have anything in the world :)
And just for the record, no I'm not going to tell you what it was about;)

torstai 26. huhtikuuta 2012


Like any girly girl I hate insects, bugs and all tiny discusting animals. Don't get me wrong, I am THE animalfriend and am all about animal rights but these diacusting little creatures are useless if u ask me. When people hear that I have arachnofobia (fear of spiders) they fon't really get the depth of my fear. It get's to the point when I cry, start hyperventilating, shaking and panicing irrationally. In this case size does not matter! I freak out for even the smallest one. The only time when anyone has ever seen me go crazy like that was when I was in greece at my dads and I was skyping in the middle of the night and everybody were sleeping. I saw one and freaked out! I flew from the chair and pressed my self against a wall and just started crying and shaking.. That's when it started going even worse. You see, when you are in a situation like this you don't only panic for the one you just no, you get all consious about it and start looking around you and BOOM they're everywhere!! It was the worst.. I seriously saw one in the ceiling, one on the lamp, TWO on the floor and that's when I lost it. I seriously did not know what to do about them or how to handle a panicattack like that. Skype was still on but I totally ignored it and everything else. I was allready planning to stay up all night keeping an eye on them even though seeing them makes me like that. But I could not sleep in a house where I know there are alive ones. All I could hear was a voice telling me to breathe and calm down. No it wasn't god. It came from the computer. I knew I would have to deal with this my self. So I killed the son's of bitches! Not gonna tell how, but I can tell you the most scary of them (the biggest one) made a sound when i killed it. Like a squeeeek sound. And by the way, they are quite big in greece! This is not a joke, but I'm seriously shaking when writing this... When I have some extra money I will definately go to a hypnotist.
Why did I even start writing about this? Oh yeah... One of my cats came inside with a mouse in his mouth. It was slightly difficult to get him out with it but I did it! After all I have killed 5 spiders in one night. I have to put that on my CV.

Goodnight! Ps. My every nights ritual is to check all the walls and corners of my bedroom.

sunnuntai 22. huhtikuuta 2012

Sunday bloody sunday

I am so hungover it's not even funny. You know the hangover when you are afraid you are going to die? Well I'm afraid I'm NOT going to. I just want to lie on the shower floor like a fetus and cry. This must be the worst I've ever felt. Well it's in my top-5 of worst hangovers ever. It was a great night and normally I would say it was worth feeling like this, but seriously...nothing is. I can't eat, drink, sleep...I can barrly speak or even type. Somebody please let me out of my misery.

torstai 19. huhtikuuta 2012


Lyssnar på 90's musik och får både helt sjuka kicks och galna skrattattacker.. tänk tex. på Radiohead... the dude looked like he was having a fit of some kind. OCH deras musik var ganska horror. De e ju förståss smaksak, men nu pratar jag ju för mig själv.
Men såna godingar de fanns då.. å va har vi nu...dubstep?? are u kidding me? :D ja va på magnetröntgen för en vecka sen och den hade bättre ljud.
ingenting vinner 90-talets keyboard-ljudeffekter som var ett must i dans-musik då.
Ja har MASSOR me gamla cd:n i bilen som har musik från 90-talet och från början av 2000. Vet att på en cd finns det en sång som jag älskar men har inget minne whatsoever vad den heter eller vem det är som sjunger den. Great leads huh? Jag kan ungefär vissla 10sekunder från början men ingen sku nånsin veta vad jag har för oljud.
Idag skulle jag sen kolla på youtube nå compilation videon från 90's musik å TADAAAAA den fanns på ena! den va int äns så stor hitt att ja sku ha tänkt mig ti hitta den! ja e sååååå glad! så nu får ni berätta åt mig om ni minns denhär eller e de bara jag? å tala int skit :D endera så vet du den eller så int.
Liquido - Narcotic
vadå keyboard-hehkutus i denhär också :D aaahhhh I love it!!
Ja e ju ylläri pylläri sjuk igen, men imrn är det 80's & 90's kväll på paroni å de kan man bara helt enkelt int missa! Har planerat rätt länge att fara dit. Och det råkar sig att jag har redan länge planerat en likadann "hemmakväll" med en gammal kompis som man inte sett på länge, så de kund ju int bli bättre att paroni ordnar den iställe för oss :D så man kan bra ha en liten nostalgy-trip här hemma först å sen fortsätta på den på andra sidan vägen ;) OM allt går som planerat.
Sen har jag ju också en annan gammal kompis som är på besök i finland, så man måst ta allt ut från denna visit! Så ja bara kan int bli hem å vara sjuk. kan fortsätta vara sjuk sen på söndagen :P

keskiviikko 4. huhtikuuta 2012


Vill vara frisk!
De räcker int att man ska leva med crohn, men så ska man ha flunsa efter den andra, falla och söndra ledbanden och sedan få ont i knät. Utan att glömma fingret som ännu inte är i skicket. Oh god! ORKA!

Aaaanyway... har nu varit 1½ vecka som vikarie i en lågstadie. Har tyckt om att vara där, särskilt nu när ungarna respekterar mig lite mera när vi är vana med varandra. Så lite tråkigt att min vikariat tar slut nu. Sista dagen imrn. Men måst nog ärligt säga att tidiga mornar är inte min grej! Har ju allti veta att jag inte är en morgonmänniska, men fyyyy så ja har vari trött!
De va nog int bara de som ha gjort mig trött. Var på blodprov igår och min hemoglobin var tosi låg, så de förklarar tröttheten och de att ja ha blivit sjuk så lätt och att int ledbanden har blivit bra så snabbt som dom borda.

Men dehär e int någå otroligt intressant så slutar skriva om min 90-åriga mommons kropp.
