tiistai 10. tammikuuta 2012


So here we are.. 10th of January. The only thing worth mentioning I have done today is this blog..
And made plans for Friday! Going to sit down and drink some sparkling wine and red wine with my dear dear friend Lotta <3 can't wait! We have so much fun whenever we meet so I know for a fact that it is going to be an awesome evening! :)

Seeing Noomi is always a highlight of my day <3
I don't know why but I went through some baby-picture's of myself, so I decided to share them with you...

I have always looooooved sleeping

4 generations

sleeping <3

my first (and only) interrail

keepin' it real with RayBan since -86

my idols <3

Now I will go and make a pizza and this time I'll try to remember the pic's!


the morning started with a drive to Helsinki-Vantaa international airport. Alexandra's christmas-vacation was over and it was time for her to go back to London to her studies. Kind of sad, but we talk all the time on Facebook and Skype so it really does not feel like she is in another country. I'm planning on going there in the spring so it's not long before we meet again :)

Alexandra on Skype :D

Alex on her christmas-vacation

Christmas <3

After we checked that she actually went through the security at the airport, we left for Itäkeskus - a shopping center. This time we actually went just for a quick shopping because we knew what we were after, but that I can't post here because it was a b-day gift :)
I came home to chillax for a couple of hours and then we went with Joni to my mom's place to have dinner with her and her manfriend (still laughing at that word).
It was lovely as usual.. Fish and vedged potatoes and sweet potatoes with a creamy shrimp-sauce. Delish!
Don't have a picture of it though :/ I suck at taking pictures of food because I tend to forghet about the picture-taking when I get my portion in front of me... :D
After dinner we picked up our friend Jo and went to the nearest Filmtown..not to rent a movie but to buy candy! YUMMY! I had a craving for Smurf's! And I am positive that real Smurf's taste like these!!

Smurf! (mind the ugly nail)


I got up before 12 in the morning and as my first task of the day I decided to put some colour in my hair, so I did it. While I had the colour in my head I started to bake. I LOVE baking!

baking with moomin


Later that day we just watched the movie Ocean's 13...cos' it's so good!
Then we went out to eat some fastfood with Riikka and Danne.
When I was facebooking in the evening I found my child on the internet!!

a dare that Joni could not finish...

this has to be mine!


On saturday I went to a shopping-center with my mom and my sister, to meet up with mom's old co-workers. They are not old, but their working relationship is :D
It was a fun day walking through the shops not buying a thing! can you imagine?? nothing!
So I came home and made a chinese dinner for me and that dude that hangs out here all the time :P
Later we just went driving with Riikka and Danne.. An evening filled with laughter and stupidity :D
That's about it.


On friday I realised something. It's not the quantity of friends that is important..it's the quality. So I eliminated a few people from my life (yes AND from Facebook) and now it feels like a big lying weight has been lifted of my life. So now I am just going to concentrate on the good friends I have and I will cherish them because it's a friend that a girl needs in all situations in life. So this part is dedicated to my beautiful, truthful and fun friends <3
<3 lovely Lotta & Freddy 
Joni :)


Mius & Anna <3

best neighbour Mici:))

Danne & Danne :D

best fakesister Jo <3

match made in heaven <3 Linda

Ulle <3

bestest hairdresser Axu <3

 Riikka <3

Kia <3

The Tall sisters <3 love them to bits!



Brother from another mother TomTom :)

Sofia <3

there are more of you guys and you know exactly who you are, so don't get offended because you are not in any pictures...because you are in my heart <3


Just a normal boring day... Cat being stupid, facebooking, tv, crazy sushi-cravings (wich did NOT lead to sushi:( ), watching ice-hockey and going to bed late as usual.. AND I bought one of the cutest stuffed animals ever!
So here is my day in pictures since there is nothing to write about it

Stupid Fimpen

nothing to add

Sometimes it feels like my tv is this old...

yummy in my tummy...i wish!

love icehockey <3

my new cute friend

so, how is it?


Picked up my sister Alexandra from the train-station in Helsinki. Drove then to a big outlet-shop "just to have a look"...once again.... Ended up buying a dress and a few other pretty things. Got also a cute shirt to a friends daughter that I gave her later that day when me and joni went to their house.
It was fun seeing Axu & Marko and their daughter Michelle :) We used to go there more often but it's been a while since the last time, so our "quick drop-by" became an over 4 hours visit. Axu made us dinner and me and her sat down in the kitchen talking while the boys were attacking a PS3-game :D
It's always fun talking with her because we both are so alike with our opinions so there is not much arguing about stuff :D I did one bad thing during the visit though...I introduced her into the world of E-bay :D

Michelle <3


A day of "nothing special".. kinda boring to write afterwards about days like these...don't even remember what kind of things I was thinking about on that day.
Only thing I remember doing was "playing" with my new printer that I got with the money I got for christmas. Finally I have my own printer. I got it for everyday-stuff, but mostly for picture-printing. Now that I also have a new camera I can take pictures that look better and have a more professional quality to them.
My new toy <3

OOOOH! now I remember one thing from that day! We wen't out to play in the snow and ended up acting like kid's in the snow with one of these
..well I can admit that my love to my bones did not let me ride it, but I'm glad I didn't.. My friend Riikka ended up hurting her leg so that she has to walk with crutches now.. :D not funny, but ironic since we were laughing about falling and breaking bones - before we even went to get the Stiga.

Danne & Riikka