torstai 15. maaliskuuta 2012

Mother, Mamma, Äiti, Mama

I have the best mother in the whole wide world! I know most of you are thinking "no, I have the best mother" but that's how everybody is supposed to think about their mothers. Your mom should be the most important person in your life. Some may not have a mother, but she still lives in your heart and in your mind.
MY mother is my idol, my hero, my best friend and my adviser.
She is there whenever I need her. She gives me advise when I'm lost and she kicks me in the butt whenever I make a stupid mistake or decision. I can go out partying with her like any girlfriends do, but she can also tell me to clean up my act if I'm getting too sloppy with my life. I can ask her for advise in anything. She has tought me how to be a stronger person without her knowing it. I have watched her do amazing things by her self. She is my hero already by raising two girl basically on her own. I can only imagine that it takes a lot of strength to raise two teen-aged daughters!
I'm not going anywhere with this, I'm not after anything :D Seriously I don't even know if she reads my blog :D
I just wanted to share my thoughts about my wonderful mom :)
When I have children, I want to be just as great of a mother as mine is <3

Speaking of her, she brought me a great pressie from Sweden today! She knows I'm OBSESSED with the Swedish royal family (and she is obsessed with cleaning), so she got me this

And the other day I broke(by mistake!) my new camera that she got me for christmas, so we went and got me a new one :)

But even without the stuff, she is the best mother I could ever wish for <3


St. Patrick's leg

People have been asking me every day "How's your foot today?" "How are you feeling today?" I'm always answering patiently and nicely and honestly that it's not good cos I'm in pain. What I really want to say is "Oh yes I'm fine. I'm ready to kill my self any day now". Seriously I'm in pain. I'm supposed to go out on saturday. It's St.Patricks day and I promised my half-irish friend that I'll go to the city and celebrate it with her. But with my leg looking and feeling like this, it doesn't look so good. And that pisses me off! I've been looking forward to this! But do I really want to go to a Irish pub that is packed with people?? Me with my crutches...we don't stand a chanse. AND we would need a driver that leaves us and pickes us up outside the door of the pub..
Well, I will give it a day or two to see how my leg is healing but it does not look so good :(

keskiviikko 14. maaliskuuta 2012


Dear lord... 2 weeks since my last update.
Shit has gone down since then. I am not goin to apologize for this, because I've had a life to live...or just been plain lazy.
I'm a crippled...again.
I fell outside in the stupid icy weather on saturday. And just to be clear, no I was not drunk. I'm walking with crutches now...yey. So you'll be eeing alot of home. I'm not going to walk outside on the slippery roads with crutches. I don't have a deathwish!

Gaah...if I'm really honest..I haven't done anything exciting in a while.. I was sick for over a week and now this.. blah. Sometimes it's nice just not doing a thing, but it can get boring.
I can show you how boring... I like to think that I don't need to practise my skills with nailart, but sometimes it's just plain fun, so since it's been a while I've done any nails just fo the fun of it, I made a few models to inspire my many clients for the spring :)

One great thing I've done since the last time I wrote here is that I became a monthly donor for Unicef. It is not a big amount of money so I thought that I'm going to spend it on something useless so why not put it to a good cause. After all it goes to children in need.

Too lazy to write more useless crap :D

torstai 1. maaliskuuta 2012

monday? whatday?

Okay I admit, I am ill. I've tried to fight it nof for days but it just keeps knocking me down. My big plans for today were to clean out my wardrobe.. get rid of old clothes and so on. Was also supposed to empty out a few cabinets so I can sell them before i get my new one. But here I am...on the sofa where I've been since 11 this morning. Maybe I need to admit that mom's are ALWAYS right. She told me to take it easy today and just rest. I did what you told me mom! happy now? :)
Thank god for the internet and tv-shows!
not really feeling this "life is all sunshine and butterflies"-crap today

Tried to get my self to cook but the one thing i can't do is to stand for a long time. I get nausea and I start to shake like a leaf. So how did I solve the problem of hunger in this house? I ordered in :)
tasted better than it looked like
By the way, the pictures from yesterday are nothing compared to this madness I call a backyard today. The snow came down from the roof (not on it's own though) and it resulted a tinsy problem... Can't open my door at all, nor see out from the window. No, I'm not kidding. See for yourself.
Have not been able to open the backdoor for 2 months, but this is bad :D